A reference for the Founder of Sage

“At all times, Danni upheld a respectful approach and ensured safeguards for her mother in dealing with Community Networks and Agencies in SA.”

Over the course of the time that I have known Danielle, I have been able to witness the many facets of Danni's work whilst at her previous employment, her approach in Social Media, and across family matters that have required in depth and complex Communication skills, that span across Corporate/Community/Family/Cultural and Social. Danni's previous work involved a variety of communication styles and strategic minded goals-based forms to meet KPIs and Company Directives. When dealing with clients and co-workers she utilises Active Listening techniques to gauge a given situation, garner a context for desired outcomes and works actively to meet needs of clients and co-workers. In the workplace I have evidenced how she adapts her communication style to ensure the listener is given and receiving constructive feedback or company directives to ensure outcomes-based results. having known Danni as a friend and neighbour, I have observed her communication styles in social settings when gatherings take place, where she actively engages with new acquaintances, friends and family members, showing respect and empathy towards others, whilst understanding and utilising non-verbal messaging, to build relationships and long-term friendships. in all interactions that I \have witnessed, Danni is always friendly, courteous, and confident in dealing with others.

Having known Danni as the Manager at her previous employment, she maintained a very professional approach when dealing with others, while at the same time being a trusted leader who could be confided in when needs arose and she was always able to maintain company and personal confidentiality constraints to achieve desired company and personal outcomes with those she dealt with. These skills were recognised within her industry to the extent that she met KPIs, Strategic Directions, achieved desired outcomes for her clients, and as a result, she was nationally and internationally recognised for her work, winning awards for her success-based achievements. Working as a General Manager, I am fully aware that she held the highest clearances for trust and confidentiality to meet corporate outcomes. These levels of trust were extended beyond the workplace, where Danielle built circles of trust within her group of family friends, close family and me as a neighbour, and family friend. She was often entrusted to look after my personal home whilst I was away on holiday or for work reasons. I am fully confident that she is able to maintain confidentiality of the highest order in her daily interactions.

I have evidenced Danni working in a multiple of settings that included her workplace; a sporting team [Netball]; DanceSport Studios and Corporate Events. In each of these settings it has been a choice rather than a necessity to deal respectfully with empathy towards anyone from diverse backgrounds, other cultures, disability and or elderly. As an essential part of her management role at her previous employment she not only worked with a diverse range of staff and clients from many cultures, belief systems and religions, but she led training programs for staff centred around Engaging corporate diversity training (programs, learning campaigns and eLearning modules); Diversity & Inclusion workplace training. In all these situations as described above, Danni demonstrated a balanced and non-judgmental approach when dealing with others maintaining ethical standards and practices that generate trust and credibility.

On a more personal level, Danni became her mother's principal carer after her father passed away in recent years. Her mother became severely disabled due to an ongoing illness. As a result, she managed the transfer of her mother from Sydney to Adelaide, facilitated a Care Facility, and negotiated assistance packages on behalf of her mother whilst grieving the passing of her own father. Throughout this process, Danni was resolutely upheld the dignity of her elderly and incapacitated mother, to ensure she was included in every family gathering, event, social engagements while negotiating the pitfalls of Covid-19. She attended to her mother's every need and made sterling efforts to ensure the Care facility met agreed goals and outcomes for her mother. At all times, Danni upheld a respectful approach and ensured safeguards for her mother in dealing with Community Networks and Agencies in SA. Despite caring for her own mother, she was able to hold herself in high esteem amongst others from the Elderly Community


Teacher (retired)


Steps to personalizing a funeral or memorial service.