Deceased Estate Administration

When you lose someone you care about the grief can be crippling. And then the reality of managing the deceased administration and after death processes sets in.

Did you know?

It takes the average Executor in Australia 200 - 300 hours to fully complete deceased estate administration. This equates to up to 6 hours per week over the course of a year, depending on how much time you are able to allocate to the process. Most of this time is spent trying to locate and complete paperwork to close bank accounts, cancel direct debit payments and getting documents certified.

Sage Executor Solutions coordinates and manages the deceased estate administration workload associated with searching, reading, comprehending and decision making when a person dies, saving our clients in excess of 50 hours in precious time and energy.

At Sage Executor Solutions, we strive to provide personalised support to clients based on the principles of empathy, simplicity, expedience, cost effectiveness and the removal of stress commonly experienced with managing after death administration.

Our logo, the ‘Rock Cairn’ symbolises balance, and has historically been used as a navigation tool.

Rock Cairns have evolved as symbols of safety and direction. They offer guidance, and when stumbled upon, the assurance that someone has traversed the path before you.

This concept acts as the cornerstone of our business model.

The process you will experience as a client with Sage, is a similar one to balancing the stones of a Rock Cairn, until the formation and journey is solid and complete.

Danielle Phillips an only child and the Founder of Sage, realised the importance of an executor solution to provide support to a deceased person’s family and Executor of the will, when she lost both of her parents at the age of 35 during the Covid-19 pandemic.

After countless hours of being placed on hold, weeks of following up paperwork and often being given the wrong documentation to complete, Danielle immediately recognised the need for a roadmap that could effectively lessen the pressure and confusion around deceased estate administration and what to do next when someone dies.

For Danielle, the process of helping clients during such a difficult time is more than just a business, it’s personal.

Meet our Founder - Danielle Phillips
